Monday, November 18, 2013


Spreading the gospel at home
I'm sorry everyone, but this just isn't going to be an awesome e-mail. One, because we are leaving emails early to run and do something. And two, because nothing is going to beat that I have a new niece!!!!! Really, I just can't beat that thing. I'm super happy and excited, and I just think its wonderful.
The big thing that happened this week was a last minute conference with some general authorities. Because they only had 2 days notice they only invited the missionaries in the Paris zones. So I got to go. :) It was really cool, just giving us advice on missionary work. There was a really really funny video that we had to watch, for an awareness test. I want all you guy to do it. It was hilarious as missionaries watching a not church video. And they had 2 elders do an exercise competition. But what they didn't know was that one of the elders was a Navy Seal, so he blew him out of the water! Literally, he was a machine at the push-ups.
But it was really cool. We got a nice little discussion about the 3 D's of Ammon. Desire, Decision, and Determination. Basically you need those 3 things. :) And if you loose one, you do the other two and until you get the one. It was really interesting. So that was a really fun conference to go to.
They also talked about member and missionary work. And it got me thinking. So me and Soeur Walker are in the process of visitng all the ward and giving them a book of mormon and giving the the challenge to give it to someone before Christmas. It goes in line with the challenge given by Elder Ballard last conference for every member to invite a soul unto Christ before Christmas.
So I thought, if that challenge is good enough for the members here at Evry then why not my family and friend. So hear ye all who are reading this email. This missionary is officially inviting you to prayerfully give a book of mormon to someone before Christmas. (if there are some of you who are in Utah who say you don't have a not mormon friend to give a book of mormon to, start praying to make friends). Seriously though, I know that this could be a great blessing to each of you as each week you pray to recognize who you can give it. And it wont offend someone if you just give it to them in love, and explain how much it means to you. Then it is in there hands. Just as each of you know about the spirit of Elijah and all the blessings and joy that you can get from that, the spirit of missionary work is the same. And as Christ devoted his whole life in missionary work, why not follow his example? And as your Christmas gift unto Christ, place a book of mormon with someone. I know that it can make your Christmas more meaningful. (And don't forget to write you testimony in it!!)
24 Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto arepentance; that I might bring them to btaste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be cborn of God, and be dfilled with the Holy Ghost. Alma 36:24
You each have tasted of the joy, and have been born of God and filled with the Holy Ghost, now go labor and bring a soul to Christ!! :)
There you go, you all are engaged. :) And trust me each and everyone of you, I will be emailing you each to follow up. :) 
Love you all!! And I hope that you all have an awesome week! Keep being awesome. :)  

Here is the link: ....I think...I can't actually get to youtube on the church computer to make sure.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Acting as angels

Okay, so this week was a little hard for a lot of reasons. So by Saturday night we were about done for the night and ready to go home. But were like, 'hey we have 5 minutes left, lets be obedient' So we walked down the street to the Gare looking for someone to contact. Anywho finally we saw a woman, and I screamed 'Woman!' and drastically turned and started walking to her before she could ge away. Anywho so we go up to her, say why were here and that our message can bring hope to her life. And she starts crying. And I was like, wow this must be the best street contact i've ever done, nobody cries. High five Sarah. But no, her boyfriend had just broken up with her. And we were like 'oh no', and she turned to the side and we stood there awkwardly for a minute. And I was like (being me) 'Do you want to talk about it?' Because I mean who wants to sit out in the cold and not talk about it? She didn't answer for a minute, and I was like drats, and then she started talking. And said she was waiting for her sister, and I was like 'Hey! We can wait with you, we were just going to head home, so we've got nothing else' And she said yes, sat and talked for a bit, and I was like 'You know when i'm sad I say a prayer, can we say a prayer?' And she's like "if you want to" So we said a prayer. Her sister came, and we went home. Anywho, we had given her our number, but didn't think much of it because we didn't get hers. But about an hour later we got this text from her (And as I send this email to French speakers I will put the actual writing):
Je tenais a vous remercier. Je prend votre intervention comme un signe. On vous a mis sur ma route au moment ou j en avais le plus besoin. Vous m'etes apparu comme 2 anges tomber du ciel. Vous avez appaiser ma peine. Encore merci. Ludivine. 
For those of you who dont speak French that is one awesome text message. Like seriously. We read it and our mouths fell open. I mean i'm often called an angel ;) But seriously, such a sweet tender mercy from the Lord.
Also really cool thing. We got a new bishop this week, and he is a young guy from Portuguese. He used to be a missionary in Evry, and now he's bishop. Isn't that weird? He's super awesome.
Anywho that's about it. Hope you are all having an awesome week!! Love you all!!

Oh my goodness! I totally forgot! haha and I can't believe you forgot about Skype!!!! Its like the shining moment in my life!!

Je tenais a vous remercier. Je prend votre intervention comme un signe. On vous a mis sur ma route au moment ou j en avais le plus besoin. Vous m'etes apparu comme 2 anges tomber du ciel. Vous avez appaiser ma peine. Encore merci. Ludivine. 

She's just saying thank you. And she taking our intervention as a sign. She thinks that we were set in her path in the moment that she had the most need of us. And to her we appeared as 2 angels from heaven. We eased her pain, and again thank you. :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Baptism Scheduled!

For those of you who read this on Monday, sorry its getting out super late. But its getting out, so that's the bright side!
First thing first, they don't celebrate Halloween here, like at all. Isn't that the saddest thing ever? It was the lamest Halloween of my life. But we had a pretty cool day involving food, because we wanted to feel like it was a holiday. So that was nice. All my pictures from Halloween involve food....and that is why I have gained weight.....
Also we cut my hair. We didn't have a brush, so I stood there and Soeur Walker and Soeur Bernhardt eyed it, and just cut, with childrens scissors because we couldn't find the real ones. It was time. Except for it was a lot of hair. Oh well, it grows I guess.
Also awesome news!!! We have a baptism the 24th of this month!!! WOO HOO!!! She's super awesome. I didn't even have to do anything, she was all ready, and its just awesome. I'll send you guys a picture, I got one with her family (and since they are all very dark skinned I stand out ridiculously). Its super exciting. So keep her in your prayers you guys, Agathe Obel.
And as missionaries (and especially sister misisonaries) we get the honor (and that's not being sarcastic) of getting to work with non-pratiquants. So this one here in Evry, her name is Stephanie, and we just kind of clicked. So she was baptised 7 years ago, and went inactive like 2 months later. She has these 2 adorable little girls now, and one is called Shesha :). Anywho, missionaries have been seeing her FOREVER! But she has never been back to the church, or willing to really have lessons. So I saw her my 2nd week here for the first time, and we got her to say a prayer. And then the next time we watched the Joseph Smith movie and she cried. And then the next time we read some Book of Mormon and we both cried. Then she agreed to come to a family home evening at a members house!! So we did that. And now she has accepted a "church calender", like a baptism calender we give amis, but instead of baptism date, a get to church date. And the date she accepted and prayed about is the 24th of November!! It just will be an awesome day. So keep Stephanie in your prayers!!!
That's about it for the week! Oh, and I went to the Eiffel Tower today :).
Love you all!!! Miss you!!!!
