Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello Mom :) and family...if you forward this to people...if you don't then just hello to you. :)
No I don't think I need anything...I have to send you a package next week of the things I wont be taking to France with me. Crazy right. 2 weeks from right now I will be flying out to France. That is the weirdest thing ever, I feel like my mission is the MTC haha but wait I haven't really even started my mission. Although I am officially a month down, only 17 months left. Odd.
This was a good week, hard at times, but hey what isn't. I've decided to try and take the attitidue of Joseph B. Wirthlins talk 'Come what may and love it'. So far this week it has served me well. I had somehow forgotten how much i like Elder Wirthlin, he's pretty awesome.
So me and companion are officially one of the best companionships, sadly serveral people have commented on it, because we never fight and that is apparently very unusual, it's pretty sweet. We set new goals and are trying super hard. I think i'm pushing Soeur MacKay a bit hard, but that's okay. She struggles waking up, and being able to stay up that long, whilst I have the energy that it's not a huge problem. But we plan our study times out really well and are using them the best we can. And although we are still not fluent in French our teacher says that we are improving, and that is all that you can hope for. So that's coming good.
Since the semester changed at BYU that means schedule change, that was the worst part of this last week. haha our new schedule is not wonderful, and our last one was super great. So P-Day is Monday now, and we have to wake up a lot earlier, it's crazy buisness. But it will just make it even more better when we get France being able to sleep in until 6:30. So I am deeply trying to conform my will to God, and be completely obedient, it is becoming slightly easier as I keep trying.
On Sunday nights after devotional we get to go watch a movie or a talk, it's like our treat for making it to a Sunday. So this week we watched a talk given by David A. Bednar a year and half ago at the MTC. It's called 'Character of Christ', and it was pretty amazing. Mom I think you and Colleen should try to find it, because both of you would love it. It had some really good points on how Christ's character is that he turns out to people, while we turn in. Which is very true, and I guess I never thought of it that way. But he disscused how after Jesus had suffered unimaginable pain in the Garden, suffring for your sins, and then he was dissappointed by the 3 disciples who he asked to stay awake and be with him, and then betrayed by another disciple. After all that suffring, and all that hurt from the people who were closest to him, he still turned out. While we would have had a pity party, and asked God just to strengthen us, Jesus healed the ear of the guard who was arresting him. I never really thought about it the way that Bednar put it. He turns out when we turn in, and when we are truly converted to Christ we become the kind of person who also turns out, even in the worst of our trials we are helping others. It was really incredible, I think you'd love it mom.
So I am going to list my study goals for you guys, and I challenge you to do them with me. :) haha but if you really don't want to I wont be at all offended.
Study goals: 1) Ready Jacob 5, twice, especially verses 60, 70-72.   2)Read about the character of Christ, at least 3 stories of things he did each week.     3) Study revelation through the Book of Mormon. We'll see how this goes, i'm not going to lie, i'm already pretty far into goal numbers 2 and 3, we had lots of study time this morning.
Anywho, I can't think of anything else to write. Haley and Lindsay i'll write you later today a letter. LOVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS!!!
Write me with everything going on!!! Oh, and i'll send you our zone pictures that we took on Sunday because half of our zone is leaving, and we get our travel plans this week so next Monday I will be able to e-mail them to you, because guess what! I get to call you!!! And I believe that Becca will be in town then too!! WOO HOOO!! 
So that's it. :) Much love,
Soeur Jackson. 

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